Sunday, December 26, 2010

10 Types of Facebookers

There are 10 types of facebookers

1. stalkers <-- A lot of people love & prefer to be this type of Facebookers
2. NEVER online <-- Me, before I discover the awesomeNESS of Facebook
3. 24/7 status updaters <-- Messy type. I often delete them from my friends list.
4. page likers
5. uses WAY too many exclemation marks
6. status likers <-- MY FRIENDS !
7. depressing status updaters 
8. quiz takers
9.farmvillers <-- My sister WAS addicted to Farmville. She repents.
10.the normal facebookers who have a little of the above in all of them.

 I'm #1 & #10. How about you ?